In Game design and development we are allowed to do 20% time , and for that i am using Oculus rift and recreate a house in Colonial Williamsburg that people could explore in Virtual Reality with Oculus rift.
So far i have done some tutorials while i am working with Unreal engine 4. I got inspired to do this by visiting Colonial Williamsburg, and this is a town that shows you how it was lived during the Civil War. I think it is important to know how people lived back then so we appreciate how we live better. I have learned to create a project and create a blank
So far i have done some tutorials while i am working with Unreal engine 4. I got inspired to do this by visiting Colonial Williamsburg, and this is a town that shows you how it was lived during the Civil War. I think it is important to know how people lived back then so we appreciate how we live better. I have learned to create a project and create a blank
I wanted to use the oculus rift rather than Virtual Reality because i like how you can physically pretend that you are actually experiencing the home. I am going to recreate a Colonial style mini town and the main focus are in a couple of forms. I like that the room i am going to create is going to allow you to interact with the technology and people and hoe the daily life was back then